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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now
(10-08-2016, 07:37 PM)treee Wrote: What do you know, Trump is scum. If only we could have seen this before and we could have had a better representation of conservative individuals LOL Eat shit GOP and lie in the bed you made off of indirect racism and sexism. Trump is the culmination of years of toxicity boiling under the surface of such a disgusting platform.

Yessir.  They f'ed up on this one.  There's no other way to put it. 

By all logic, Republicans should have won this general election handily.  2-term democrat leaving office, huge groundswell of vitriol in the party base against his policies, massively unpopular and savagely investigated/harassed dem candidate running against them, and plenty of capable candidates to choose from should've made this relatively easy.  Kasich would have likely walked into the White House without much trouble.  But no.  They pick a guy because he runs his mouth a lot and says the mean shit that they wish they could without being labeled as a racist/sexist pariah.  Good plan, guys!   

Now the dems will get to put 2 or 3 more justices on SCOTUS, thus locking it up for the next 25 years, perhaps more.  That alone should be enough to make any Republican's stomach turn.  The McConnell holdout on Garland will effectively blow up in his and Senate Republican's faces when Hillary likely nominates an even more liberal replacement.  

I hope a chance to vent frustrations was worth it to them.  It's going to wind up being a very expensive temper tantrum when the final bill comes on the 8th.

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RE: Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now - samhain - 10-09-2016, 01:10 PM

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