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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now
(10-09-2016, 02:55 PM)Millhouse Wrote: I dont know if Kasich would have because you cant underestimate the Clinton political machine and the lengths they will go to ensure a victory.  But the last two Republican nominees would probably win with ease against her, and rightfully so. But I agree, as I think the Republican voters in the primaries that voted for Trump have no one to blame but themselves for making that amateur political clown as their nominee. I am a moderate that tends to lean right on a few things, left on others. And it just makes me want to hurl pretty much knowing Hillary ****ing Clinton will be the President. This country doesnt her socialistic policies with the amount of debt we are in, a crumbling infrastructure, Obamacare hurting the middle class more and more (as Bill Clinton recently said), bringing in 100 of thousands of refugees yearly which is just nuts, trade policies and so-on. 

Maybe years from now the moderates will take over the country, and the liberal leftist socialists like her and Bernie will fade away with the ultra conservative right-wing nutjobs. I can only hope. 

The most hilarious thing about it is that there's no pinning this one on the usual establishment scapegoat.  It's not Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz or Sheldon Adelson or Dick Cheney's fault.  The big bad Bush dynasty didn't hatch this plan.  No PNAC or Hallliburton looking for payola.  It's all on the base and them alone.  It's mom and pop conservatives on main street.  They're going to wear this mistake around there necks and there's nobody for them to blame.   

They did indeed have their revolution.  Unfortunately it was against their own party and benefitted a woman they view as Satan incarnate the most, lol. 

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RE: Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now - samhain - 10-09-2016, 03:11 PM

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