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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now
(10-07-2016, 10:14 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Seems like a lot of self-righteous in the house. Any male that hasn't objectified a woman with a pal in what you thought was a private conversation raise your hand.

WTS, this is not a good look and I can see the GOP going into spin mode Let's hope they bring in Allen West.

LMAO at Hills being appalled by such talk.

I have never spoken about a woman that way that I can recall. It's despicable and low-brow to do it period. Just because you say something in private doesn't mean it's okay and it still reflects on your values.

Maybe I have just drank the PC koolaid. LOL

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RE: Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now - CageTheBengal - 10-09-2016, 07:44 PM

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