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Politico, giving Trump some props
(07-12-2015, 08:51 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: The "recent enough" remark, was intended toward GMDino, as he chastised me for using a 4 year old story, earlier.  Anyway..

My entire point of perpetuating this essentially useless thread, is simply to show that Trump does have a point about illegal immigration being a problem in the US, he is striking a nerve in some folks that the government and the media has conditioned them to think that it is somehow wrong to be upset about illegals being here, in the first place.  As I've said before, I'm not a Trump supporter, and most likely will not vote for him in the primary.  However, I do admire his boldness to say things and draw attention to an issue that really is important to the "silent majority", come whatever hell the media and politicians want to unleash toward him for it. 

Folks may be getting aggravated because I keep bombarding this thread with article after article, and I am fine with that.  I'm only attempting to show that Trump is continuing to gain attention, rather than shrinking from the negative publicity attempts.  And, personally, I feel that if there is a population of illegals that number equal to or greater than 5% of the American population, living in this country, that is a problem, on many fronts.  A 5% overburden, in a Nation already debt ridden, is huge.  It's about time that someone brought it to the attention of the average "Joe American".

From what I am seeing, Trump is not catching flak for speaking about the issues of illegal immigration. He is catching flak because he made remarks that were overly broad and labelled them all with negative, prejudicial stereotypes and did not specify illegal immigrants (IIRC) in his original statement, which is problematic in and of itself.

When we talk about media focusing on the wrong things, what we are seeing from the defenders of Trump is them focusing on the wrong thing and creating a straw man argument. For years there have been politicians,primarily from the right but some also from the left, bringing up the issues with illegal immigration. Trump's comments were merely inaccurate and offensive, and not just to illegal immigrants, but to many people from Latin America.

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RE: Politico, giving Trump some props - Belsnickel - 07-12-2015, 09:09 PM

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