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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now
(10-10-2016, 12:59 PM)fredtoast Wrote:
Quote:And I know plenty of women that would not allow a man to molest them just because he has money.

So what is your point.  Are you really saying  that ALL women would have no problem with Trump just kissing them without even asking first?

Oh boy... here we go with the "So are you saying all women blah blah blah". No, that's not what I'm saying

My point is that there are women out there that will allow men to "sexually assault" them knowing that they can get something from them based on their status and wealth and this is what Trump was referring to.

Quote:This goes back to what I said a few pages ago.  The guys who support Trump don't see anything wrong with what he claims he did.


What he said was wrong to say. There's no denying that. The reason people like me are defending him is because people are blowing things way out of proportion and essentially calling Trump a rapist because of something he said in a private one on one conversation even though they have no idea whether or not Trump has sexually assaulted anyone.

Quote:I have been in a lot of discussions with my make friends about women, and I can honestly say that I have never bragged about kissing a woman without even asking.  And none of my friends have either.  We have all talked about women we would like to get with, but we never say we would molest them without even asking.

Wow. So you're Jesus Christ too apparently.  Here's something for all of you Trump nay sayers to think about.

Have you ever heard a woman use the phrase "the man should make the first move"? Don't worry, I know all of you men that claim they've never been degrading towards women have never had or heard such a conversation (that's sarcasm btw). 

When a woman says she wants a man to make the first move, what is she saying? She's basically saying she wants every man that might be interested in her to sexually assault her. Yep, that's right ladies and gentlemen. Women are openly claiming they want men to sexually assault them. Why is that a problem? Because it's left up to the woman to determine whether she likes the "First move" or not, and if she doesnt? Guess what? She claims sexual assault. Women are actively encouraging "rape culture" and don't even realize it.

So guess what Fred? If youve ever made a "first move" on a woman and been rejected, you have committed sexual assault. That's right guys!!! We're all a bunch of rapists!!!! 

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RE: Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now - Matt_Crimson - 10-10-2016, 02:32 PM

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