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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now
Quote:Look, you asked the question regarding why didn't Trump kiss the lady until after he got Billy Bush's "permission.  My answer is he didn't kiss her inappropriately on camera for the same reason he didn't inappropriately grab her ***** on camera.  That's common sense.  If you don't understand the answer then you don't have common sense.  I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

When did I say anything about him kissing her inappropriately on camera? I was asking if Donald Trump is such a big sexual assaulter and everyone keeps talking about how "He said it himself he can't control himself around women" why then did he show so much restraint when a woman actually came around him? Your answer obviously is "because he was on camera". But I thought he was just this uncontrollable sexual assaulter? He didn't even attempt to hug her or compliment her on her looks but is supposedly some big pervert that sexually assaults women. I'm basically asking how is it so obvious when his actions were so restrained? Yeah I know what he said, but his actions didn't seem pervy to me when he was with that woman.

Bush came off more like a pervert to me than Trump did. Bush was the one who suggested that woman hug both him and Trump. Bush was the one who was making comments about her appearance and tried to throw Trump into the mix. Bush was the one who initiated a question in which he asked whether she would choose Trump or him. Even when that woman steps in the middle of them Trump doesn't even attempt to hold his arm out for her the way Bush does. Does this mean Bush is a sexual assaulter? No, but I'd definitely say Bush was trying to get into her pants way more than Trump was.

Bush comes off like the cool douchey guy from highschool that thinks he can get any girl, and Trump comes off like the dork that isn't as cool but tries to make himself look cool by making degrading comments about women, not as a sexual assaulter. I'm saying based on this video, Trumps actions don't appear to show how obvious it is that he's a sexual assaulter, yet everyone keeps talking about how "obvious" it is.

Quote:If you have been to college, your university should have a policy regarding sexual harassment or sexual assault.  Within that policy, there should be a discussion about what does and does not constitute consent.  I've already posted an example for Rotobeast.  I highly, highly suggest you read it.  Because you clearly don't understand.

Don't understand what? Your arguments are founded on the assumption that Donald Trump has had unwanted non-consensual contact with multiple women, but you have no basis from which to push this argument other than what Trump said in the video, and say "well what more proof do I need". Well, a lot actually.

Quote:He and you and others here believe if a woman were to just stand there and not do or say anything afterwards then  that woman "let" Donald grab her ***** because she didn't do anything which in your minds constitutes consent. But, that isn't necessarily true. Many perpetrators of sexual harassment rationalize their behavior.

Wait, wait, wait.... What? I don't believe that. And I don't remember Donald Trump saying he believes that either. If you can point me to a source I'd like to see it. If you have a video of Trump engaging in some non-consensual acts, I'd like to see that too. Sounds to me like you're just interpreting everything Trump has said to mean the worst possible thing so that you can paint him as a sexual assaulter.

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RE: Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now - Matt_Crimson - 10-11-2016, 08:50 PM

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