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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now
(10-11-2016, 06:33 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Bfine, has told me previously he doesn't have to answer any questions if the answer involves a fact one can look up on their own.  But, I'll make an exception for you.

There are countless university and corporate policies that deal with sexual assault and harassment along with various state and federal laws.  Consent is a subtopic under the larger umbrella of sexual assault and sexual harassment.

This policy specifically addresses silence or immobility.  If Donald Trump grabbed a Miss USA pageant contestant's ***** and Donald Trump were to claim she "let" him because he is a celebrity and she didn't object afterwards doesn't mean she consented.  She might not say anything for fear of reprisals.

Everyone here has a mother, sister, wife, daughter, niece, or at least a female friend.  I feel fairly confident most, if not all, would object to a man inappropriately grabbing their *****.  I think it is important as husbands, brothers, fathers, uncles, or at least a friend, we as men understand that if a female we care about doesn't immediately object to inappropriate sexual behavior that doesn't mean they consented to "let" someone grab their *****.

As a father of a son, I want to make damn sure he knows about consent so A) he doesn't get into legal trouble and B) and I know I raised a decent human being whom I can be proud.

I'm just really surprised at some of the stuff I'm reading in here from the god-fearing crowd.  I'm not even calling Trump a rapist.  All I've done is acknowledge that what Trump described in the video is sexual assault and I've tried to help other people understand . . . because I have a daughter and I can't be there 24/7 to protect against her dumbasses who don't have the first clue what consent, sexual harassment, or sexual assault is who are passing on their stupidity to their dumbass sons.  It's ***** ridiculous.

Well, thank you for making that exception.
I have a daughter, as well.
My post was centered upon kissing and no further.
I read the consent section of your link and I understand and agree, as it referred to sexual activity.
Is kissing now regarded as sexual activity ?
I didn't see anything in that section.
Anywho.. I intend on teaching my daughter the physical cues of aggressors and how her actions can affect the situation.
I.E.: boy smiles, closes eyes, leans into kiss.... A: (if you want to kiss ^which your father advises against^) smile, close eyes, wait. BSadnot wanting to kiss ^dad approves^) pull head back, lean back and say "sorry, I'm not ready.

So please, don't confuse me as a Trump apologist.
His repeated actions/words speak for themselves.

My main thing had to do with kissing and that flat out verbal consent rarely happens.
It would totally ruin the romance and then you might as well go home.
If the day comes (and I'm sure it will) where you have to have written consent for a date with a checklist of possible activities, there will be a heck of a lot more shut-in, chronic masturbating man-children wasting away in dank basements.
And there will be the beginning oh H.G. Wells' subterranean people, The Morlocks.

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RE: Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now - Rotobeast - 10-11-2016, 09:06 PM

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