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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now
(10-12-2016, 12:25 AM)Dill Wrote: Sexism won't go away if we say it won't go away and accept in national role models. 

No, sexism won't go away because we are imperfect human beings living in an imperfect world. Sexism won't go away in the same way racism won't go away. Sure, we can suppress sexism to the point that it's no longer accepted as government policy, but it is absolutely impossible to monitor every human being on this earth to make sure they are not acting in a sexist manner. People will always do what they want to do behind closed doors because they can. The existence of sexism and other "-isms" have absolutely nothing to do with "role models" and everything to do with the fact that human beings are human beings.

Quote:I think the video proves he said that he groped women, which is sexual assault.

You don't know what Trump has actually done. You can sit here and say what he said, but you don't know what he actually meant by any of it, you can only assume. You want to know something interesting? If a person walks into a police precinct and confesses to a murder, that confession does not convict them. Why? Because there is a burden of proof that goes beyond the confession. As a matter of fact, people do walk into police precincts and confess to crimes they committed and rather than going to jail these people are investigated and later fined for false confessions. They're not called murderers.

Quote:And his comments after the video, especially to Anderson Cooper during the last debate, prove that he doesn't think
talking about groping women is talking about sexual assault--just locker room talk. 

No it doesn't prove that. All it proves it that Trump thinks what he was talking about was just locker room talk. He's not saying that ALL sexual assault conversations are just locker room talk.  Again, you don't actually know the context in which he was saying the things that he said. You just assume he was saying he literally sexually assaults women. His whole "I just start kissing them" line didn't even sound like he was being serious. It sounded like he was trying to make Bush laugh by saying that. That's part of what embellishing is, exaggerating things to get a specific reaction.

Quote:You seem to think the video provides no trustworthy clues as to Trump's actions and character if it doesn't show him actually assaulting someone. He could just be bragging/lying about sexual assault. Something "we all" have done.

I didn't say the video "provides no clues". I said the video proves nothing. Those are entirely different statements. You can interpret the video and pull out whatever "clues" you want, but those so called "clues" do not make Trump a sexual assaulter. And I'm not saying everyone has talked about going around and groping women. But you and everyone else who keep acting like you've never made any disgusting comments in your life are ridiculous.

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RE: Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now - Matt_Crimson - 10-12-2016, 09:17 AM

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