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Clinton reveal more state secrets?
If one understands literally nothing about politics - let's make it even simpler, about competition - then the OP has some damning content.

In competition you certainly know that you match up better against some opponents than others. Ever heard of a boxer "ducking" an opponent. It happens when a higher ranked fighter knows he has less of a chance against a certain contender. Even the great Ali as champ ducked Larry Holmes, and when Holmes finally fought him it was clear why Ali had avoided the match up - Ali never stood a chance. So, if you want to win sometimes you would rather face one opponent than another - not a big revelation. And ultimately, no matter who your opponent is, you try to make them play your game. You want to expose their weaknesses and display your strengths, and not do the opposite. If this is a real mind blower for you - and apparently it is for the OP - then you have a lot to learn about competition, sports, politics, and life.

In the Republican presidential primary leading up to this election, and every primary in history as well as every general election, there has been a tension between appealing to your party's base and not taking positions so extreme as to make you unpalatable to the voters in the general election. And, shrewd politicians always try to push their opponents to those extreme positions that make them unelectable. This happens within parties and between parties.

As to the she is giving away state secrets by talking about killing Bin Laden, give me a break. The last president said, "I don't think much about [Bin Laden]." The current president oversaw the personnel who located and ultimately killed him. So much for being safer with a Republican in the White House. Suck it.

The OP is another song in the conservative song book and they all follow the same pattern. The logic and the narrative goes something like this. Watermelons are green, the sky is blue, see, you can't trust the Clintons, especially the one with a vagina, just look what her husband did because of that Doomsday machine between her legs.

I look forward to hearing the songs for four more years while Mrs. C occupies the White House. Keep singing!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

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RE: Clinton reveal more state secrets? - xxlt - 10-13-2016, 09:06 AM

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