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California Passes SB 277 Forcing All Children To Get Vaccinated
Anytime government on any level removes your option to say 'no', the motives need to be scrutinized.

It's not about a belief in faith healing.

I haven't read every study concerning the pro's & con's of vaccinations. I've read enough though to understand evidence does exist which should give parents pause, at the very least (parents) should research and weigh their options ( so long as they exist ). I'm a parent. My child has been vaccinated and inoculated. But let's be honest, flu shots are a joke. Are those next in line to be mandatory?

To be clear though this bill is not mandatory. It's only so if you choose to send your child(ren) to public schools and as the bill states '... for other purposes'
-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-

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RE: California Passes SB 277 Forcing All Children To Get Vaccinated - Devils Advocate - 05-16-2015, 09:46 PM

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