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Live Presidential Debate Reactions
(10-20-2016, 12:06 PM)Bengalbug Wrote: So do you actually like Hillary? Don't be anti trump, are you excited for Hillary in office?  If so- please explain I'm interested as to why people like a certain candidate vs being opposed to the other.  

I don't love Hillary and I don't hate her but I'm more anti-Trump then for Clinton. I don't think she's a monster though and I can't grasp the hatred some Americans have towards her.

I think her biggest obstacle is she isn't a people person and in order to look more extroverted she often times comes off as fake. Nobody wants an introverted president who is all about business, closed off and doesn't have personality because I think a lot of people see introverts as weird or outcasts. So it's a bit of a double edged sword for her if she's being real she's not likeable enough and if she's attempting to be more charismatic she's being fake. I'm not sure why it matter either way in the end though. I don't care that she isn't likeable and I think that's too high on people's qualifications for POTUS. There are plenty of people who do their job well and even exceed without being popular.

Personally I think the Republicans have attempted to smear her time and time again and even though more times than not it comes up fruitless they can still point and say "Well when there's smoke there's fire." and a certain number of people will believe it especially now that it is so saturated it's harder to keep up with. She's been in public office for decades now pushing anti-conservative agendas and has skins in the game to show for it which has put a huge target on her back. If you look back at history when she first started working with Washington it wasn't even acceptable in some parts of the country for a woman to discuss politics with a group of men so with all that in mind I can see why if you've been in politics on the Republican side why you would be threatened by her and want to take her down. The Republicans have been dominated by white men so there was some incentive to keeping minorities from public office.

I'm excited for her to take office because I truly feel like we dodged a bullet with Trump and after this cycle I've lost all respect for the Republican party. After watching the turmoil they put our country through by fostering Trump I can't trust their judgement. With that said trusting them to bring in members of the Supreme Court is off of the table. Generally speaking though she understands this is a critical time for clean renewable energies and we can get ahead of the game which will help support our economy for a long time, she believes climate change is real, she actually discusses education, she doesn't want the government deciding whether or not women can have abortions, she believes in  our alliances with the rest of the world and she wants common sense gun laws.

I'm not saying she is perfect or my ideal politician but learning about her and her history just made me have more respect for her in all honesty. She's had to fight that much harder to be taken seriously because of her gender and I believe it's made her tougher because of it.

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RE: Live Presidential Debate Reactions - CageTheBengal - 10-20-2016, 01:35 PM

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