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What Era of Bengals did you enjoy the Most?
When you say Era, that means more than one year. A year is not an Era.....I have been a fan since 1968 and there is only one era of consistent winning in Bengals History. 2009 to now, which is 6 play-off seasons in 7 years. Granted 2010 wasn't much fun. The players that wanted to go elsewhere and the players we drafted in 2011. It was like Chevy Chase leaving Saturday Night Live and being replaced with Bill Murray, the team got better. I haven't given up on 2016, because in 2012 these players show they don't give up.

As for the word enjoying, well, I am getting old at age 61. So I enjoyed watching the games with my dad and brother when they were alive and the family together from 1968 to 1973, although my brother off in military during Nam in 72 and 73. I was a teen and it is hard to top being with family like that.....I enjoyed the 1980's, and watching games with my friends when I was in my 20's and early 30's. Sadly I have out lived them. The Super Bowl Seasons were great. Watching YOUR team go Super Bowl, and not being one of the many jumping on the winning band wagon, but having been there in the bad makes the winning even better, because it has always been YOUR team.

After 1990 it was just awful. Terrible...It took 15 years to have 2005, but one season is not an era and there wasn't that much to enjoy. Heck, I think we lost the last 3 games. 2011 on has been the best ball Bengals have ever played, and we can throw in 2009 to say 6 play-off seasons in 7 years. I do not see all this window is closing stuff. Our top players are signed to long contracts and they have many playing years ahead. I do think this team in the decade of 2010 to 2019 goes Super Bowl. The play-off losses to San Diego and Pittsburg in THE JUNGLE are the ones from 2011 on that hurt the most. The losses on the road I can see, not in THE JUNGLE. Still, 2011 on has been winning football for a franchise that has had very little winning. The Bengals had 8 play-off season in their first 41 years which isn't all that hot. So 6 play-off seasons in 7 years is a great switch from all the losing seasons.
1968 Bengal Fan

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RE: What Era of Bengals did you enjoy the Most? - kevin - 10-22-2016, 02:20 PM

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