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Bernie Supporters and Bad Memes
(07-15-2015, 09:59 AM)fredtoast Wrote: It is the first step.

We have to get past all the people who claim it doesn't exist or that it doesn't matter before we can do anything to address the problems.

Right now there are too many people who think poor people are living the high life with nice cars, plasma TVs, and cell phones without ever having to work.  That type of rhetoric is what is preventing people from wanting to do anything about income inequality.  The fact is that many people who work very hard live in poverty and die young because of it.

We have to convince the voters that poverty really is bad before we can ever do anything to help the situation.

To be honest.... there are a lot of people in my area who are the "baller" welfare people.
I'm not sure how they go about it, but they have the latest iPhone and drive Caddys and such.
What baffles me is that I know of one 19 year old (no children) who COULD work, but doesn't, and only has to pay $18 for one months rent in government subsidized housing.
I also know people who work for $12/hour that are in poverty, who can get no help.
It's no wonder why people give up and take the easy route.
So, what do we do ?
I think we need to make the assistance program a little more restrictive and add a small amount to the minimum wage to close the gap between the working poor and the people "ballin".
I'd really like to see assistance programs tied more into education and training programs, but it would take someone brighter than I to develop such a thing.

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RE: Bernie Supporters and Bad Memes - Rotobeast - 07-15-2015, 01:08 PM

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