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We have jumped the shark on safe space

Basically, a women says she was sexually a virtual reality game. She goes on to talk about how emotionally taxing it has been on her because it is so life like. Now I have a couple issues here, the first being it was an avatar that wasn't even representative of her in physical looks. The other person could not actually "sexually assault" her but merely make grabbing motions at her. The game is a zombie shooter and isn't programmed to allow the avatars to actually interact in that way. My last issue is, if it is so life like how is death by zombies not more traumatizing considering that can actually happen in game?

There are people in the article asking for oversight and regulation on VR games because they are "so life like". In response the game developers have built a 1 foot "bubble" feature that will keep all other players 1 foot away when turned on. Sexual Assault isn't funny and it's horrible, but making these kind of claims bastardizes the real struggle.

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We have jumped the shark on safe space - Au165 - 10-25-2016, 10:04 AM

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