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How to break up the two party system?
(10-27-2016, 12:28 PM)PhilHos Wrote: How about this: make it illegal to talk about another candidate that you're running against in any way, shape, or form? Would this force candidates to simply talk about themselves and their policies?

For example, Hillary Trump says that Donald Clinton is a sexist pig. Hillary'd be punished by this law. Bernie Cruz says that Ted Sanders' tax plan would increase the debt. Bernie'd be punished by this law.

I know it would never happen and I even doubt it would work as intended, but I'm only 41 and I'm already so fed up with our political system that I want to just go to sleep and never wake up again.
Phil, I'm with ya brother.
I'd like to eliminate parties altogether, but it's just not possible.
I have come to the conclusion that change will have to be from the inside out, like many criticized religions.
For me (personally) to have an effect, I'm choosing to become active within the Libertarian Party.
It has it's downside, but I feel it's young enough that we can shape it.
I have been speaking with leaders of the LP, in Columbus.
I've voiced my concern over some of the hardline stances they have, which turn some people off.
I'm asking that these be viewed more as ideals and go with a "Libertarian-Lite" approach.
That approach would mainly focus on being a mediator between the existing major parties, in an attempt to conserve the tax-payers money.
So far, they are rather pleased with our conversations.
I am also going to focus on the expansion of the LP into the more rural areas of the state, after the election.
If this sounds good to you, please feel free to inquire about doing the same in your area.
I also have a few people in northern Ohio that I am coordinating with.

I hope that helps ease your mind a little.
I'm just a pee-on, but we could collect enough pee to form a tidal wave.

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RE: How to break up the two party system? - Rotobeast - 10-27-2016, 01:23 PM

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