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SCOUTS to take up transgender issue
Just don't see how this ever gets solved unless they switch to a dozen personal bathrooms rather than two large ones, or something.

Understand they identify the other way, but we are talking about high school kids here. They are assholes. Pretty much immediately you're going to get some boys deciding they are women just so they can go to the women's bathroom and laugh about it.

And how can anyone stop them? There's no test or anything to see if they're telling the truth, and you'll get sued if you try to stop them. Can they also then decide they want to play women's basketball? Because then all sports would either need to be unisex, which would basically mean wiping out female sport players, or you'd just have the occasional man dominating the crap out of female sports.

Plus then what about showering?

So yeah, just don't really see how this turns out okay in the end without everyone just switching to a bunch of private single person bathrooms. Or people just give it all a big FU and switch over to nothing but a single large unisex bathroom.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: SCOUTS to take up transgender issue - TheLeonardLeap - 10-31-2016, 03:03 PM

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