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Republicans against big government
(11-01-2016, 05:55 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Not a Republican, but I can throw out my answer to your question, at least.

All you have to do to keep jobs around here is look at Ireland:

Now the US:

The government didn't have to force anyone to stay, they tempted them to come by lowering taxes. They came and brought plenty of good paying jobs for their people. Is there any surprise that companies are leaving the US?

You lose tax dollars from the corporation, but you get more jobs (specifically good paying jobs). The government has plenty of places they can scale back or lean up on without losing anything vital.

So yeah.. they don't have to force anyone to do anything, just stop trying to squeeze every last dollar you can out of people, and people will WANT to bring jobs here.

The problem is that in our current situation there really isn't much room to cut. Our tax revenues would cover all of our mandatory plus roughly have of the discretionary spending as it is. Half of the discretionary is the defense budget. Yeah, we can cut, but we can't reduce our tax revenues significantly without putting ourselves in a worse fiscal situation.

Something a lot of people don't consider when looking at situations in countries like Ireland is that geographically we can't compare them. We would need hundreds of companies to set up hundreds of locations around our country to have the same economic impact because of our geography.

We need some corporate tax reform, but so many companies get by with paying little to no effective tax rate that isn't really a major factor. There is absolutely no corporation paying an effective tax rate of 39.1% in this country. The average effective tax rate is likely around 16%, if that, just base don my experience in corporate tax. Maybe we were better than the average, I don't know, but our effective was around 14.3%, including all of the states we did business in.
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RE: Republicans against big government - Belsnickel - 11-01-2016, 07:01 PM

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