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Republicans against big government
(11-01-2016, 08:19 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You are right.  I missed that that was billions instead of millions.

The F35 program was spread out over 50 years I believe.

$1.5t through 2070, but they have been constantly late, overbudget, and under-delivering on every step of this program. It's been 10 years and there's still no F-35s in combat. Or even fully functional. Even if you go by their $1.5t original estimate, that's still $23.437b per year for a fighter jet that so far doesn't work and isn't good.

An F-16 costs about ~$16m a piece. The F-35s are currently costing over $100m a piece and that's not counting an engine for the plane.

- - - - - -

Either way, that list of things is just a small sample, it's by no means the entirety of waste in government spending.
"One million dollars to build a bus stop in Virginia.
"Three million dollars for NASA employees to attend seminars on how Congress works."

This isn't even organizations that could be gotten rid of in the government, this is just lists of single acts that are wasteful.

Here's a couple more I was remembering:
The US bought 20 Italian made cargo planes for the Afghan Air Force to use, only to realize after they spent $486m on them that they could not work well in sandy/dusty conditions.
US AF buys 21 cargo planes (US built this time) for $567m, realizes it has no need for them, so they immediately go straight to storage.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: Republicans against big government - TheLeonardLeap - 11-01-2016, 08:27 PM

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