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What is really up with Huma Abedin?
(11-06-2016, 01:08 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: First of all, neither of your two claims are accurate based upon your source.  Secondly, if you understand what I just wrote, you will gain further insight into why your second statement is no better than a guess.

The first claim was based on other things that I have read, it was not in relation to that data. The second statement was not about all other countries but mainly the muslim majority ones where acceptance of sharia law is high.  Places like Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Morocco, Nigeria, Algeria, Afghanistan etc...... countries that hold the higher percentages of Muslims are at an average of 70% or higher in those polls when it comes to preference of Sharia Law.  The other countries listed only account for 0.1-1% of Muslims that live in those countries.

(11-06-2016, 01:08 PM)Dill Wrote: Of course people like to talk about "radical Christianity" when Americans complain about Radical Islam. That is because complaints about radical Islam are really disguised complaints about all Islam--the imposition of a double standard never applied to Christianity. The same standard appears when Christians speak of Muslims "fighting each other for centuries," as if Christians have not been doing the same thing.

You have never heard of Timothy McVeigh?, the recent attempt to bomb Somalis in Tennesee? And the problem is not just in the U.S. Radical Christians in Uganda, led by U.S. pastors, are killing gays. Have you forgotten Srebrenica? Over 100,000 Iraqis were killed by Christians in Iraq by an American president calling for an unnecessary Crusade. Thousands have been killed in Yemen by "Christians" as well. And let's not forget India, where Christians killing Hindus who won't convert has been a decades old problem.

Muslims grow up learning how Christians continue to kill Muslims by the thousands every year.

Just because someone is complaining about Radical Islam doesn't mean he knows anything about the history, especially the current history, of conflicts between Islam and Christianity. Most of the complaints I hear about radical Islam, including those by Maher and Dawkins, come from people with very little knowledge of religious history and no ability to frame the conflicts in historical or sociological terms. Neither of those guys can distinguish between Islamism and Islam.

Okay lets back up here. I'm not saying Christians have never done anything wrong and aren't currently doing anything wrong. I feel like we're getting away from the context of the argument.

This argument stems from the fact that I'm worried about radical Muslims invading our country. Yes, there are Christian terrorists, and there are Christians that commit acts of violence. Again, this is not about keeping Muslims out. This is about keeping radicals from flowing into our country. If there were an uprising of Christian terrorist groups claiming they want to destroy America, I'd be worried about them too. But the thing is, I don't see this happening. Can you point me to it? I'm not talking about lone terrorist activity by Christians. I'm talking about Christian terror groups that are actively talking about taking over/attacking America.

This is why I'm finding it hard to compare radical Islam and radical Christianity in the sense of why I'm worried about one over the other. Radical islamists seem to be extremely vocal about taking down America whereas I don't see this with Christians.

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RE: What is really up with Huma Abedin? - Matt_Crimson - 11-06-2016, 06:15 PM

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