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FBI to re-open Email Investigation
(11-06-2016, 08:06 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Oh, I have no-doubt that those hoping for a bombshell will be disappointed. FWIW, Hill's has said if anything  between now and election day it will be false. Comey is in a no win, he should have just posted his findings and left it up to the DOJ. He became a villain of the Right when he said no charges should be filed. then he became a villain of the Left when he announced emails pertaining to Hills were on Weiner's CPU, then he has returned to a villain to the Right by announcing nothing new here.  

Anyone making assumptions on either side often reap what they sow. As to me: I wish it were Wednesday. 

I agree about Comey.  He'd have been in deep if something damning was discovered in the Weiner/Abedin emails.  The Trump speech last Friday just got my goat a bit.  He was up there acting like they'd found her admitting to murder in one of the emails.  Then a week followed of "Hillary is done!" fake news articles shared by a quarter of my FB friends (people I genuinely like in most cases) that didn't amount to a hill of shit.  To be fair, a few of my liberal friends have posted similar things about Trump, but the number of them is much smaller.  

I'm really sick of fake news.  Not just the spun crap on the major networks, but the actual straight-up made up shit on social media.  People believe it because it's what they want to hear and act like it's a conspiracy when they find out it's totally fabricated and that they were duped.  

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RE: FBI to re-open Email Investigation - samhain - 11-06-2016, 08:36 PM

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