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What is really up with Huma Abedin?
(11-06-2016, 09:27 PM)Dill Wrote: Christian radicals don't necessarily want to "destroy" America, just take it over. 

Have you ever heard of the book The Turner Diaries, which inspired McVeigh? It is set in an imaginary future 100 years from now, reflecting back on the present, a time when true Christian patriots had to take their country back from "liberals" non-whites, and other Communists who have taken over America.  What triggered the white uprising were government/UN efforts to confiscate guns. True Patriots had hidden enough so that they could retrieve them from hiding and fight the government in a long war they eventually won. This is a widespread ideology amongst the Alt-Right. They are waiting for the triggering confiscation and "race war" to take the country back.

Do you remember this incident in South Carolina?
The perp thought he would spark that longed-for race war and be a hero.  Charles Manson was also a believer in this white
mythology of a coming race war.

Have you ever heard of the Oath Keepers? They are military and police who take an oath declaring "that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial." They are open to all races, but the principle is the same. They are ready to refuse the US/UN order to confiscate guns and arrest people who resist the government.  No one knows how many are in this organization, but they claim to have 30,000 firefighters, among others. Their members came from all over the country to patrol Ferguson during the riots, to help protect against "outside agitators." And the police let them stroll around armed, though they were not official law enforcement.

While you are worrying about a few Muslims who have NO CHANCE of altering the US government one whit, from inside or out, hundreds of thousands of Christian militants have thrown their support behind Trump's call to take back the country from "the Kenyan."  As they see their numbers grow and encourage one another on line and at trump rallies, they come every closer to public violence, imagining that the bulk of the country will follow them to war.

Stop imagining that right wing violence is just scattered, "lone terrorist activity."  It is widespread and armed, violent right wingers are becoming increasingly internet connected and organized. And these folks will be VERY frustrated if their man doesn't win on Tuesday.

But I feel like this doesn't work as a counter-argument. You're arguing about people that are already here. I"m talking from the perspective of immigration laws and making them stricter for those coming from the backgrounds that I've noted previously. How to deal with groups that are already in this country is another issue entirely in my opinion and doesn't relate to the argument I'm trying to make about letting terrorists into our country on the basis that they want to harm us. Because as I've said before, I don't remember hearing about any foreign Christian terrorist groups that want to attack America and calling for other Christians that are already here to do the same. If that were the case I would make the same argument for them as well.

Domestic terrorism is something we will have to deal with on a separate scale no doubt. But that's not what I'm arguing at the moment. What I'm arguing has to do with those currently coming from these foreign lands where anti-american terrorists are known to operate from and where the violence rate is high. I'm less worried about a government take over and more worried about terrorists living in our communities with the intent to kill innocent Americans not caring if they live or die during the process.

As far as race wars go, I'm quite skeptical of that ever happening. A lot of things would need to happen for that to successfully be a large scale event. People were saying it was gonna happen if Obama was president and here we are 8 years later. I feel like the best chance for a race war to happen has already past. People have become too tolerant in my opinion for a serious race war to break out and America as a whole has become too diverse.

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RE: What is really up with Huma Abedin? - Matt_Crimson - 11-06-2016, 10:24 PM

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