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To which promises do you hold president Trump.
(11-10-2016, 01:29 PM)hollodero Wrote: Just trying to pin those down.


- Will deal with ISIS very quickly and take their oil That one will be interesting. He doesn't want to get in Putin's way, but Putin doesn't really care about stopping ISIS as much as settling things down. Which, in a way, will stop ISIS. If you give them what they want, they'll stop. 
- Will replace Obamacare with something much better/terrific Repeal yes. Replace, no. They'll say they're working on it and things will go back to how they were before.
- Will install a special investigator for Hillary Clinton Probably. Who cares? More waste of tax money.
- Will build a wall at the southern border (and Mecixo is going to pay for it) I'll be surprised. They'll build something, but Trump and friends need cheap labor. You don't get that with less illegals.
- Will deport 11 million illegal immigrants If he increases ICE funding, it hurts his business. If you don't increase ICE funding, you aren't deporting anyone.
- Will apply 45% tariffs on Chinese goods (and tariffs for Mexican goods)  That anyone bought this is amazing. He's going to raise expenses on himself? LOL
- Renegotiationg trade deals and leaving TPP This one is likely. But I'd look for renegotiation to favor specific industries, i.e. , Trump friendly ones
- Will "end" (say, significantly reduce) crime and violence Yeah, sure.
- Will grant massive tax cuts for working people, corporations and the top bracket You can't do both. Most likely it'll be like Bush, temporary tax stimulus that ended up costing the middle class more.
- Will rebuild Americas military This will be interesting. Bush got rid of leaders and put in guys who helped turn the military into the current logistics service it is now. Hopefully, he'll increase salary and benefits and encourage more membership.
- Will expand and renew infrastructure, airports etc. Not when he sees why every administration for 40 years has kicked that can down the road. He most likely can't overhaul appropriations and funding allocations in 8 years let alone 4.
- Will at least dramatically reduce immigration from muslim countries Probably
- Will bring back about 4 million manufacturing jobs Doubt it. With the GOP rush, more states are going right to work. So he may bring back some, but most likely low wage manufacturing that doesn't improve the economy much.
- Will renegotiate the Iran nuclear deal Most likely he'll tell them to bugger off. I'm not looking forward to the gas prices in a couple years.

To which of those will you hold him?
Not trying to look for an argument or anything, I am just curious as to how you would draw the line here. At which point, eg. at which rate of promises he might not keep, will you be disappointed at the end of the day/term?

(And just a quick side question, I looked for promises regarding the national debt - its height being a major criticism of Obama/Clinton - but I didn't find anything. What deficit do you expect the US to carry after Trumps term? Really just interested.)
Thoughts in hold.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: To which promises do you hold president Trump. - Benton - 11-10-2016, 03:51 PM

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