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What to expect in the first 100 days
What can we expect in the first 100 days of the Trump Administration:

(It's not all bad)

- First things first, Trump will nominate a conservative Supreme Court judge. Done deal, end of story. Probably someone with puppet-like qualities, similar to Clarence Thomas.

- Term limits on Congress will be voted down. It may not even make it to the floor. Trump loses this one. Congress won't even consider limiting their own terms. They don't have to.

- Up to 10% of federal employees (except military, public safety and public health) will be let go. I would expect many of these will be from regulatory agencies. Congress wants this.

- An open assault on regulatory agencies. In particular, the EPA financial regulators and the FCC. Congress and Trump say they are 'bad for business' and want them out of the way. Now, there is nothing to stop them. If these agencies are even permitted to still exist, they will be too under-funded, under-manned and poorly-led to do the jobs they were originally intended to do. Instead, they will be used as weapons to target rival business interests of politicians and their associates (Google 'Putin' and 'Russia' for more information as to how this works). We will ultimately learn that this is Trump's real reason for wanting the office (perhaps even before the next recession).

- Trump and Congress will fight over his proposal to have a 5 year ban before White House and Congress officials can become lobbyists after leaving public service. Congress considers that part of their 'severance package'.

- Trump will try to ban Whiate House officials lobbying for foreign countries. At least countries he doesn't like, anyway.

- Trump will prose a ban of foreign lobbyists lobbying money for U.S. elections. Will Congress go along with this? We could find out how many actually receive foreign monies.

- Trump and Congress will battle over renegotiating NAFTA. This would hurt many existing businesses and farmers in many states. Therefore, Congress is not going to let this go without a fight.

- Trump will have us withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He can do this.

- Trump will have the Secretary of Treasury declare China a currency manipulator. He can do this, the SoT is his pick.

- Trump will try to lift restrictions shale, natural gas and coal reserves. I believe he can do that as I think the restrictions are from Executive Orders.

- Trump will greenlight the Keystone Pipeline. He can do this.

- Trump will try to back the U.S. out of climate change programs and agreements. I think Congress has input on this, but they will go along with it.

- Trump will cancel all of Obama's executive orders. He can do this. His primary goal is to end DACA. He needs to show voters that he is really, really tough on illegal immigrant children.

- Trump will try to remove federal funding to Sanctuary Cities. BTW - this does not mean money for them to 'serve' as Sanctuary Cities. There is no such thing as that. This is ALL federal money. I'm not sure if he can do that. But I expect he will try to prove that he is tough on illegal immigrants.

- Trump will order agencies to remove the @2 million illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back. He can order this.

- Trump will order the suspension of immigrants from "terror-prone" regions. He can do this.

- Trump will propose his tax plan (@10% to 13% decrease in taxes of top 1% households, @1.3% to 1.8% for middle class households). Depending upon how it is worded, Congress may go along with it.

- Trump will propose a tariff act on companies laying off workers and relocating to other countries. Congress will probably go along with this.

- Trump will propose an energy and infrastructure act encouraging public-private partnerships and private investments. Congress will probably go along with this. The key word in all of this is "private". Somebody is gonna make a lot of money on this. Guess who?

- Trump will propose an education act to redirect federal money from low-income, Title I schools to private, charter, magnet, religious or home schools and will try to end Common Core. I'm not seeing this making it through Congress.

- Trump will propose a replacement for Obamacare. As everyone reading knows, ACA's days are now numbered. But it won't happen instantly. The struggle to find a replacement to offer that Congress agrees on will take more than 6 months.

- Trump will propose a childcare/eldercare act. This would primarily be in the form of tax deductions. This could go through Congress.

- Trump will propose an illegal immigration act. This is "the wall". Congress likes this... as long as Mexico is paying for it. Mexico has said they will not pay for it. I'm thinking this will be Trump's "Guantanamo Bay" proposal: doomed to fail. But then again, every POTUS gets at least one.

- Trump will propose a community safety act to create a task force on violent crime and funneling money for training to local police. This is horse and pony show legislation, not substantial. Most of these programs and money have already been in place under the Obama Administration.

- Trump will propose a new national security act. This is to funnel more money to the national defense budget. Congress is fine with that, so long as he can tell them where the money is coming from. This one could be a fight.

- Trump will propose a "Clean up Corruption in Washington" act to reduce the corrupting influence of special interests in politics. Congress will only go along with this if it is only limited to cleaning up Democratic special interests, and not GOP special interests. They don't bite the hand that feeds them.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]

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What to expect in the first 100 days - Bengalzona - 11-11-2016, 06:18 PM

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