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Can someone explain to me.... (regarding Trump)
So Ive been scrolling through Facebook and have been getting frustrated and annoyed (like most of you im sure) with all the political banter that people have been posting.

One topic that sticks out most is this common theme about how Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot. Some of the people on my feed are part of the LGBT community and they are absolutely appalled and terrified with Trump becoming president elect.

Now I understand why there may be some concern from them because of a newly appointed conservative president, but where is this overall fear coming from? What has Trump done to deserve such outcry? Why do people feel justified in calling him a racist, a bigot, or anti gay?

Look, the tape of him talking about "grabbing *****" isn't a good look and I think SOME of the sexism that people point out about him is true, but what about the other stuff?

He wants to deport illegal immigrants and crack down on immigration. So what? Does that make him a racist or a bigot? I surely dont think so.

Below is an example of what im talking about:

[Image: a0fb999642.jpg]

Is this African American young lady (Olivia) justified in thinking that she no longer feels safe walking down the street without getting sexually harassed? Is she right in thinking that just because Donald Trump is president, people are going to go around calling her the N word?

This sort of thinking just baffles me. Maybe someone else can clarify but I am genuinely interested in gaining an understanding as to why Donald Trump is getting so much hate from minorities and the LGBT community.
[Image: Screenshot-2022-02-02-154836.png]
The boys are just talkin' ball, babyyyy

Messages In This Thread
Can someone explain to me.... (regarding Trump) - WeezyBengal - 11-14-2016, 04:29 PM

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