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Can someone explain to me.... (regarding Trump)
With regards to the LGBT community:

1. His said he is against gay marriage. He recently came out and said it isn't going anywhere, but, if he can shift the SCOTUS to lean conservative, it is possible it could be challenged and the new court could overturn gay marriage.

2. He has voiced support of NC's HB2. He went back and forth before being for it.

3. He has expressed a desire to overturn Obama executive orders to relate to the LGBT community, particularly those that prevent employment discrimination with federal contractors.

4. Mike Pence. Pence is one of the most anti-gay politicians in this country. He tried to get the federal government to deny AIDS funding to groups that didn't denounce being gay, he tried to fund conversion therapy, and he famously had that law in Indiana that allowed businesses to deny service to gay people on the grounds of religious freedom.

with regards to sexism, I mean, we've all read his twitter account. He has made statements about wives working being "dangerous" and he suggested he couldn't sexually harass the women who accused him of sexual harassment because they were not good looking enough.

He pandered to white supremacists (Alt Right) and the former head of the news site that has been called the official news source of the Alt-Right by super Republican Ben Shapiro is now his number 2 in his administration.

We've seen a number of incidents reported in the last week of people being verbally assaulted, threatened, or their property vandalized with hateful messages. A lot of "Trump is President, Get out" rhetoric. We had a few in our county. One girl snapchatted herself with a gun saying it was open hunting of n-words and another was in blackface and used the n-word. Black freshmen at the Uni of Penn received messages detailing when their lynchings would be.

There's this. Most that I have seen in the news are verified. One in Louisianna was false.

A Latino church in MD had a sign vandalized with a pro Trump message.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Can someone explain to me.... (regarding Trump) - BmorePat87 - 11-14-2016, 04:49 PM

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