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Can someone explain to me.... (regarding Trump)
Here's my take on it:

The accusations of bigotry from Trump come from both his actions (Racist business practices, championing the birther movement, mistreatment and general objectification of women) and the laundry list of promises that he made during his campaign. There is a reason most minorities and women are scared. They have the most to lose. He said some legit scary shit during his campaign, not limited to:

-Deporting 11 million people (recently rolled it back to 3 million)
-Ban an entire group of people from entering the country
-Nominating a justice that could potentially reverse Obergefell v Hodges (Legalized Gay Marriage)
-Saying there should be a punishment for abortion.

Now for me, as a relatively healthy heterosexual white dude coming from a well off family, it's easy for me to be like, "meh, whatever." It's not going to be my family torn apart when a. I'm not waiting on family members trying to flee the disaster over in the middle east to safety here. I've always been able to marry whoever I wanted, and I can't physically get an abortion and the government will never tell me what I can or can't do with my Johnson. Shit, I actually stand to gain from all this if Trump does get rid of the federal death tax. But between having been an (illegal even!) immigrant to a different country, being married to an immigrant to this country, and working with a lot of undocumented people every day, I can't help but empathise with these groups.

As forOlivia's (you should blot that last name) concerns, you cannot deny that Trump has said some racist shit over the past two years. You can't deny that he has a well established track record of objectifying women. You can't deny that he is currently surrounding himself with some scary people for minorities. A white nationalist as his chief strategist. His conversion-therapy subscribing, "religious freedom" toting VP. We'll see who else comes up with his Cabinet, and I'm sure Giuliani and his "stop and frisk" support will be in there too.

And while I'm certain that the majority of votes for Trump were out of a genuine desire for change in Washington, there is a very real group driven by racism and sexism out there. Shit, the KKK was planning a victory parade in North Carolina. When those groups see the American electorate choose a candidate despite all those things he did and said that line up with their ideology, those groups and people of a like mind get a certain amount of validation. I think that's what Olivia means when she says people can be (more) comfortable in their racism after this election.

TLDR: Trump said/promised some some things that are very scary for minorities, they have every right to be petrified right now.

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RE: Can someone explain to me.... (regarding Trump) - CKwi88 - 11-14-2016, 05:35 PM

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