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(11-15-2016, 07:11 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Sure he did.  He looked at a group of disenfranchised voters who had been beaten down by identity politics...took the Democratic playbook and turned those votes out.

I see where you're getting at and I respect some of these observations up to a point. But I call it a false sense of equally sinful behaviour. Without knowing the details of Obama's campaign I am certain that he never used an equally borderline hateful language then Trump did. Did he want votes, sure. Did his rhetorics come across as close to hate speech, no. Not if you look at it without prejudice. I am widely free of preoccupation when drawing these comparisons, not a Dem, no horse in the race. They are just obvious to the observer. There IS a distinct difference between Trump rhetoric and Obama rhetoric in respect that Trump rhetoric is more hateful and fear-mongering and racially biased. You might not care too much about that because of other issues, and that's fine with me. But you can't claim it's all the same and Trump just acted like Obama did. There's a huge gap on decency alone.

(11-15-2016, 07:11 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: I tend to agree with the comment that Trump voters "take him seriously, not literally" and the media takes him "literally and not seriously".  And he's already walking even more of it back.  He's not polished or subtle like the skilled Dems that play the game, but he looked where the Dem's identity politics weren't connecting and dealt himself in.

Yeah he did, it's just that it doesn't work that way. A latent racist whose emotions are now set free on the back of the Trump movement doesn't simply walk his racism back because Trump walks things back. It's still there on the surface, and at this point it's society that has to address this, not Trump. He can even condemn it at this point. This particular segment of voters would still believe he's on their side and just has to play the game because the ultra-left has taken over everywhere to subvert the country's greatness or whatever.
HE might walk back. They don't.
And by these comments I do not intend to offend any other Trump voters, I'm certain most aren't real racist at all. It's about those who are, that are part of the winners now too. The hateful group.

(11-15-2016, 07:11 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: I don't think it's a stretch for a rational, non-bigot to look at Trump's "extreme" campaign positions and conclude they don't endorse his radical view, but don't believe that will be the policy and DO see him as the candidate to address immigration, for example.

Like I said, at some point people are going to acknowledge that Trump's campaign is just what Dems have been doing - exagerrated fears, half-truths, deception and outright lies to create single issue voters.

No, I do see that. I have my take on this which might differ, but I do get this take (that there are other issues and politicians all lie and deceive) and that it's not an unreasonable point of view. No disagreement, but my talking point is a different one.

(11-15-2016, 07:11 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: What's disappointing to me is that people don't see the inherent bigotry/racism when the Dem game is about white men, old white men being sexist/racist/privileged/homophobic/etc....I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm no less offended by liberals than you are by Trump.

That's just something I too would call a false equivalency. The reverse racism thing is nothing obvious. I can't see any sign that the typical white male American is a primary target for attacks. From all I see, a black or hispanic person still has way more obstacles to overcome in life. Sure it might be "the media" drawing that picture and decepting me, but then again - and I always wondered - why would they.
I don't think white men are inherently racist or whatever, but all evidence points to them - to say it carefully - not being underprivileged. Which actually is all anyone can ask for.
But - they seem to ask for more than just that. (And by saying "they" I don't mean all of them, but let's not PC it up here.)
Please don't take that too seriously, but the way I see it, white men feel privileged, more entitled. And when they do work hard and still don't get what they feel entitled to, they feel disadvantaged. Or even prosecuted. But as long as there are no believable statistics that show real systematic disadvantages, I don't buy it. I more believe white men (and women) actually miss having more privileges, but instead now get some ridicule and critizism and don't handle that too well. And now they cry "racism", as if ever a white person got searched by police or being treated unfairly or being denied opportunity because of their race. All the real stuff.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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