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(11-15-2016, 08:17 PM)hollodero Wrote: That's just something I too would call a false equivalency. The reverse racism thing is nothing obvious. I can't see any sign that the typical white male American is a primary target for attacks. From all I see, a black or hispanic person still has way more obstacles to overcome in life. Sure it might be "the media" drawing that picture and decepting me, but then again - and I always wondered - why would they.
I don't think white men are inherently racist or whatever, but all evidence points to them - to say it carefully - not being underprivileged. Which actually is all anyone can ask for.
But - they seem to ask for more than just that. (And by saying "they" I don't mean all of them, but let's not PC it up here.)
Please don't take that too seriously, but the way I see it, white men feel privileged, more entitled. And when they do work hard and still don't get what they feel entitled to, they feel disadvantaged. Or even prosecuted. But as long as there are no believable statistics that show real systematic disadvantages, I don't buy it. I more believe white men (and women) actually miss having more privileges, but instead now get some ridicule and critizism and don't handle that too well. And now they cry "racism", as if ever a white person got searched by police or being treated unfairly or being denied opportunity because of their race. All the real stuff.

The fact that you call it reverse racism, rather than, you know, just racism, is a pretty decent sign. Don't even know if you meant to do it consciously, but your brain told you that racism was a thing only white people could do to non-white people and that anyone being racist to white people were "reverse" racists.

Those are just a few different incidents off the top of my head that were disgusting. You may or may not have heard of them, but check those out and tell me... if the situation was reversed and it was white people doing it to black people, would it not be the largest national news story, and would they not all be charged with hate crimes? (None of them were charged with hate crimes, by the way. Don't even think the 2nd article had the people arrested.)

(No idea what the Alt-Right even is, I recently just started hearing the term thrown around a month or two ago.)

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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