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Quote:[url=]Stormfront On Steve Bannon's Appointment: "It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This"

Left: Photo of Steve Bannon by Ben Jackson/Getty Images. Right: Screengrab of
Since its founding by a former Ku Klux Klan leader in 1996, Stormfront has been the internet’s premier watering hole for white nationalists and neo-Nazis everywhere. It is also, apparently, full of soon-to-be White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon’s very biggest fans.

For instance, take Stormfront user Phoenix1933, who could not possibly speak more highly of the former Breitbart man:

[Image: zbxdyghvdnb7xiwdodsl.png]

Or these users, all white supremacists and all positively delighted at President-elect Trump’s choice in confidantes:

[Image: mhq0uk5rsrm3xkgzvmt7.png]
[Image: v84c3aa7h8l0rqej7jqr.png]
[Image: pjgmoubsch8cgbuggnhk.png]

According to The New York Times, Trump spokesperson Kellyanne Conway “denied that Mr. Bannon had a connection to right-wing nationalists or that he would bring those views to the White House. ‘I’m personally offended that you think I would manage a campaign where that would be one of the going philosophies,’ she said.”

I cannot find any instances of Bannon explicitly denying any connections to the white nationalist movement, or decrying its worldview. We’ve asked the Trump campaign for comment on Bannon’s white nationalism (or lack thereof), but as of the time of publication, we have yet to hear back. Bannon has, however, described right-wing nationalists as “patriots” who “just want their country taken care of.”
Still, the internet’s most dedicated neo-Nazis appear to feel a staunch kinship to Bannon, and many users on Stormfront see Bannon’s appointment as the first step in their imminent rise to power.

[Image: augl4qe34na7pjwefzee.png]

In a thread celebrating Bannon’s appointment, user SaveAustraliaFromInvasion wrote that Trump’s win “is going to bring out the White Pride in ourselves ... He’s employing racially aware, alt right people, he’s been praised by nationalist leaders in Europe, people who once judged him are now sucking up ... and many other people are changing their ways because of the future president.”

[Image: ndznurq5qg8dqgg5pz7z.png]

We should note that Bannon’s status isn’t unanimous on the Stormfront boards: User PolishSlavAryan writes that while Bannon may not be a white nationalist himself, he’s at least sympathetic to the cause.

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Not everyone was immediately on board, though.

[Image: qmc0ny5fnss5gtphx0cw.png]

If you’ll recall, before working in media (owned by Jews), Steve Bannon was an investment banker at Goldman Sachs (also owned by Jews). How could a man who has worked so closely with the JEW MEDIA and the JEW BANKERS be one of Stormfront’s own? 

[Image: vnlcaxs8cbtf0qcgb5at.png]

This is, of course, also Newt Gingrich’s exact argument.

Still, the users worried that Bannon isn’t quite anti-Semitic enough are few and far between compared to those that are positively stoked to see him at Trump’s side. Many Stormfront users believe that Bannon holds their same (or at least, very nearly the same) white-centric beliefs and values close to his heart.

[Image: nfrhranqk094yy1kzu9q.png]

White supremacists are openly celebrating the appointment of Donald Trump’s closest advisor to an official position in the White House. You can debate whether it’s proper to call Bannon a white supremacist all you want. The actual white supremacists, however, are doing no such thing. They are ecstatic. We should be horrified.
And I'm torn.
I don't want to fall into the trap of those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it...OR...fall for the fact that just because Trump and his major appointment has the full throated endorsement of this underbelly of America that means they are right and Trump and Bannon are racist.
But either Trump doesn't care about the optics of it, he doesn't know about it, or he approves of.
I don't think we have an option but to wait and see until the full administration is full.
I also don't want to hear ever again that President Obama is the one causing the rise in racism in this country after this.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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