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I believe AJ Green just called out the Offensive Line.....
(11-16-2016, 09:44 AM)SHRacerX Wrote: I don't understand this at all.  People come on here to vent, to share ideas, and to celebrate the good times.  Why do you think everyone is a "hater" for this team?  The people on here clearly live and die with this team and it pains them to see them fail in this manner.  Especially when it seems like the talent is there.  

No one here is happy with what is happening except for a few McCarron wet dreamers.  Don't make it so personal about their frustration.  They care.  They want to win.  It isn't "hating".  Blindly supporting this weak performance will do nothing to change it.  The Bengal's brass needs to know their fans are madder than a hornet and want something done to change the outcome.  

That isn't hating.  That is loving their team and wanting it to win.  

fred being fred...the only way to truly help the guy is to just let him be.

As to the much talked about image of our O-Line getting treated like a prison girlfriend, it is equal parts hilarious and sad, with a dash of "expected" thrown in for good measure.  That was full emasculation we witnessed out there Monday night.

But again Paul Alexander thinks we're all just out to get him and his guys, so the hell with it.

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