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climate denier in charge of EPA transition
(11-16-2016, 09:21 PM)djam Wrote: Liberals destroy pretty much everything they get involved in. It tends to happen to over-emotional people who claim they are smarter than everyone else. What they need is counseling more than anything.....


(11-16-2016, 02:11 AM)djam Wrote: I used to be an environmental activist, seriously when I was younger and in college. I studied the sciences for a good while. I have phd's in earth sciences in my family as well and grew up watching stars from a telescope as big as most peoples cars. Do I believe global warming? No way. Its not even warming anyway, its cooling now, and some of them know this so they changed it to climate change. Besides global warming got old with people.

I do sometimes wish I would've stayed in it, but not to fix global warming because its not real. Most of my friends who got really involved in the global warming push made themselves very wealthy people, for doing little, and most of them know its a hoax. It's a frigging trillion dollar industry, and the folks behind it will do whatever they can to keep it going. It is definitely the biggest single scam pulled on mankind. Which is why when Obama gave billions to all those green energy companies, they all went out of business like really fast lol. Just more cronyism. But anyway, having people scared to death about something they cannot possibly understand is a GREAT way to extort money and impose pretty much whatever 'regulations'  -if you can call it that --that you want. Or I should say impose regulations your donors want? Thats more like it. They have people living in such fear, it should be criminal. Its like mind control or something. We have plenty of things to do to take care of our planet, but this whole idea that we are causing global warming and its going to kill us all is childish. So what if the world raises a degree? Are we all going to die then? Get real. More people would actually survive lol.

Is the climate changing? Always has, always will. Can people destroy the planet? Did the astroids which have pounded this planet for thousands of years destroy it? Nope its alive and well. I think its safe from our cars and cow farts lol.

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: climate denier in charge of EPA transition - GMDino - 11-16-2016, 09:24 PM

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