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climate denier in charge of EPA transition
(11-16-2016, 09:24 PM)GMDino Wrote: Mellow


I would bet you any amount of money that I know more about global warming than you. I would bet you any amount of money that I have spent more time volunteering my personal time to clean up our planet than you have ever dreamed of. I have been told to outright lie on reports, many many times, for a number of organizations, and even an environmental group I worked for based out of Cincy. I was there when global warming didnt seem to be catching on with normal people. So they decided to amp up the rhetoric to put more fear in people. I heard with my own ears and watched with my own eyes when big wig activists said this is what is to be pushed --fear. They needed to be extreme just so they could get a little nugget of attention I was told to lie on reports so they could get more tax dollars even when they didnt need it or deserve it. I watched people change data and outright lie. I watched it as lobbiests turned it all into a political movement. I watched as they began getting more younger people who were more emotional and willing to do almost anything to push their narrative. This all began for me in 1991. I walked away once it got too bad for me to stand. Once it became obvious that this was politics and money, and not a real grassroots movement anymore.

I must have felt the same way Patrick Moore felt --the founder of Green Peace, and the only real scientist they had lol. After they ran him out for wanting to be honest. This movement is about money, period. There is hardly any real science left. How many times have they been caught fudging the data? I dont expect your MSNBC would ever say this, but the data has been altered many times to fit a narrative. The narrative is pushed to the extreme. Why? What are they hiding? To some of us its pretty, power, control. Keep on being a sucker and playing in the hands of people like putty. Keep on trusting everything your told with no checking into it for yourself. If you really wanted to know, the info is out there, but its too painful to most liberals to even deal with. They dont want to deal with the emotional pain that the raw truth often brings. They just want to make themselves feel good by doing a bunch of useless crap in the name of feelings. What liberals needs to do, is not to ask if it feels good, but ask if it 'does' good. A lot would change if that were to happen, but sadly for the lefties, they just want to make themselves feel good lol. Many of their policies have been destructive and even devastating, but they turn a blind eye because it may cause them emotional pain. So sad. You guys created Trump. I hope you realize that. Your extremism and willingness to turn a blind eye to facts for far too long are what caused his rise. All those little butterflies whining and protesting around the country need to look in the mirror to see the reason why Donald Trump became the next president. They were the reason, and their political hero's. People have had enough. They spoke the day of the election. I personally wanted Trump to win so I owe you all a huge thank you!


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RE: climate denier in charge of EPA transition - djam - 11-16-2016, 09:46 PM

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