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(11-17-2016, 11:22 AM)PhilHos Wrote: I know you weren't asking me, but I'm going to answer anyway. :p

There are more underprivileged white people than black people. That's a fact. However, there are also more "upperprivileged" white people than black people. There are just more white people.

Do white people face everyday disadvantages because of their skincolor? There are a few. It's a miniscule amount, to be sure, but I know of at least 2 people (friends of mine) who live in predominantly black neighborhoods and they face all kinds of discrimination every single day, from people on the street to convenience store owners to whatever.

It's important to remember that only a Sith deals in absolutes.  ThumbsUp

Not only a Sith deals in absolutes, this statement is too absolute. See - I do too. Things are almost always more nuanced, and by breaking things down to what one thinks are the essentials disregards those nuances. So in some respect I'm guilty as charged.
This is thin ice for me. Your black/white situation is pretty much unmatched in my everyday exprience, I couldn't possibly add clever things. As I said earlier, racism is not an exclusively white thing and not an exclusively majority thing, racism is everywhere and amongst all groups. 
I will say this. I guess the term racism gets thrown around way too lightly, and that is contraproductive. It angers me when women throw the word "sexist" or chauvinist ore male supremacy around too easily, not the same thing by a long stretch, just for feelings comparison. Whether anger like this fueled Trumps campaign to an extent, I couldn't say. I think the left PC department estranges people, not racist/sexist/whatever people, but rational people who face irrational accusations or cheap knockout arguments. One might call that a form of "reverse racism" (or reverse sexism) - I wouldn't and still think that's way overboard. I rather call it an overdoing of PC, and I'd guess the US and Europe both have too much of that coming from what we perceive as "the left" (-- the democratic party with the exception of Sanders, Edwards or other individuals isn't "left" to me).

Regarding your friends, I would say: The real problem here might be the existence of such distinct "black" neighbourhoods in the first place. Which might have something to do with low income neighbourhoods populated by blacks, for they are more susceptible of being born poor and the ladder to success (which I consider to be true) is way more slippery for them. That these might be a breeding place for anti-white sentiments or even racial outbursts against whites doesn't come as too much of a surprise. But calling that "reverse racism" is not a wise choice of words or perspective either. To me, poor people are underprivileged, especially black poor people, occasionally white poor people. But white people not so much because they are white people, but because they are low-income people for whom the whole American dream idea didn't work out. To speak in attackable absolutes again :)
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