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Mike Brown, hot dogs, and a story you wont believe
(11-21-2016, 11:16 AM)Au165 Wrote: This actually doesn't bother me. This is an issue that occurs often in the food service industry and the principal is simple, it's stealing to give product away even if it may end up in the trash at the end of the day. If you let them give them to security then should the vendors be able to eat for free? What about the field crew? Can you give them to the janitorial staff? What about vendors friends? If it wasn't in the negotiated contract with the private security company to eat for free then they shouldn't have been fed.

You can knock him for a lot of things, but if one of the vendors did this working for a normal fast food restaurant they'd probably be fired or reprimanded for it.

The bothersome part is the fact that Mike Brown would even be aware of the "theft" of 15 hot dogs.  I get what you're saying, and completely understand that someone in the organization would bring it up to the vendor, "we became aware of this, please don't let it happen again".  For this to go all the way to Mike Brown though?  The guy runs an almost $2 billion company, one that is failing miserably this year, and he is concerned with $7-8 worth of hot dogs?

I would like to think that the General Manager of the team, and CEO of the organization, would have higher priorities and better things to occupy his time.

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RE: Mike Brown, hot dogs, and a story you wont believe - OrlandoBengal - 11-21-2016, 11:26 AM

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