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Mike Brown, hot dogs, and a story you wont believe
(11-21-2016, 04:00 PM)THE PISTONS Wrote: Here is typical Bengals. In 2012 the Bengals were projected to be $44-49 million under the salary cap, and did a PR spin article attempting to link the Bengals strategy to that of the Steelers and Patriots. It also talked about how signing free agents since modern free agency was instituted in 1992 is a roll of the dice.

Funny since that time in 1992...we've won exactly 0 playoff games.

Model model
Posted Mar 12, 2012

Your going back 5 years....... let it go. We are currently sitting just 6 million under the cap right now, and were only 8 million under last year. They did exactly what they said they wanted to, they drafted then resigned their own guys. Unfortunately when you miss on a couple drafts you start to see it fall apart. The Packers are going through something similar right now, you could actually say the same thing for the Steelers. It's a good philosiphy, but you can't miss multiple years in a row like we have recently.

Recently the only thing I fault the organization as a whole for is hanging on to Marvin too long. I get it because he saved the franchise, but they let loyalty trump the urgency to win.

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RE: Mike Brown, hot dogs, and a story you wont believe - Au165 - 11-21-2016, 04:04 PM

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