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Im not sure how you can justify NOT trading Mccarron at this point
I think they'll be lucky to get a 3rd rounder for him. I'd take it in a heartbeat, though. If I were a quarterback-needy team, I'd rather trade a 3rd for a cheap roll of the dice like McCarron than sign a player like Bradford, Cutler, or Romo to a sizeable deal. All of those guys either suck or are major injury liabilities.

With AJ, a team would get a guy with some NFL experience for a full year without committing a huge sum of cash right away. If he tanks, then no big deal because he's getting paid 5th round money and is owed nothing after 2015. A team isn't stuck with him.

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RE: Im not sure how you can justify NOT trading Mccarron at this point - samhain - 11-22-2016, 04:35 PM

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