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What to expect in the first 100 days

Quote:Donald Trump Won’t Push for Investigations of Hillary Clinton

Move is reversal of campaign call for rival to be probed, jailed

WASHINGTON—President-elect Donald Trump said he doesn’t “feel very strongly” about further investigations of onetime rival Hillary Clinton, backing away from fiery campaign rhetoric in which he pledged to appoint a prosecutor to probe her email server and foundation work.

“I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with theNew York Times on Tuesday. When pushed to say whether he had ruled out prosecution of Mrs. Clinton, he said: “It’s just not something that I feel very strongly about,” according to comments published by the Times.

In the interview, Mr. Trump also said he disavowed the so-called alt-right movement, which has been tied to racism and anti-Semitism.

“It’s not a group I want to energize. And if they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why,” he said to the Times. Asked about a video that showed white nationalists gathered in D.C., he said: “I disavow and condemn them.”

In other comments, Mr. Trump said he has an “open mind” on whether to pull the U.S. out of an international climate accord.

On his business dealings, he said that when it comes to conflicts of interest, “the law’s totally on my side, the president can’t have a conflict of interest.” He added: “In theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country perfectly.”

So there are four more things.

1) He won't do the thing he couldn't do anyway.

2) He has NOOOO idea what the alt-right is "energized" by him.  And he's going to look into it!

3) Climate change.

4) "In theory".  This should be fun.
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RE: What to expect in the first 100 days - GMDino - 11-22-2016, 06:19 PM

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