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Thinking of new coaches and my realistic prediction included
I preface this by saying there are likely 3 options:

1. Marvin stays

2. Marvin retires and they plug him in as director of player personnel, which could lead to Tobin taking a job elsewhere and stress on the board. They plug in Vance Joseph or Paul Guenther and the staff stays similar with maybe a few moves (Alexander hopefully).

3. Marvin retires and steps aside. Katie and Tobin run the show but let the HC pick their staff. The upside is that most of the options mentioned in this post: McDaniels, Marrone, Mangini, Schwartz, ect... are guys that fit the bill of where they may look next. A marquee name (Gruden, Dungy, Cowher, etc..) won't come out of retirement without pay and power, so scratch them. An up an coming assistant or college coach is just as unlikely to mess up their big shot on a roster they can't control. But a few of the names mentioned failed their first stints to some degree and may see Marvin's mediocre longevity as the job security they sorely need.

I think #2 happens, but I'm hoping for #3. Heck, pay Marvin and throw those lifer assistants money if you love them Mikey, just let Katie have the team and pick the coach and let Tobin pick the players.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Thinking of new coaches and my realistic prediction included - phil413 - 11-26-2016, 06:18 AM

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