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Thinking of new coaches and my realistic prediction included
(11-27-2016, 12:15 AM)Shake n Blake Wrote: Love Marrone, but it's going to be difficult for him to earn trust again after quitting on Buffalo (due to ownership uncertainty). I personally don't blame him, but owners still may be reluctant to hand the keys off to him.

I like Mangenius, but I think he's been blacklisted for alerting the NFL to spygate.

Interesting. The lease is up soon, right? If the Bengals move from Cincy, I won't be following them. My allegiance is to Cincy, not necessarily the Bengals. If they move, they'd be below the Steelers in my mind. 

I'd be shocked if they moved.  The Browns certainly don't strike me as a family that would be itching to move to a place like LA.  

If they do, I'm with you.  Screw em'.  I've tolerated their BS mickey mouse way of conducting business since I was a little kid because they're my team, from my city.  I played the hand I was dealt.  I'm emotionally attached to them in a way I probably will never be to another sports team.  

Let some other city see the absurdity that is this family and their view of what the business of running an NFL team is all about.  See how long people in a town like LA put up with that act.  There are way too many other forms of entertainment in a place like that for people to dump money into a penny-pinching excuse factory on a regular basis.  The Browns would be in for a rude awakening and a reminder of why two teams were run out of that town in the 90's.

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RE: Thinking of new coaches and my realistic prediction included - samhain - 11-27-2016, 12:40 AM

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