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I think a lot of you over estimate and over value just how much the Bengals care
(10-31-2016, 03:42 PM)WeezyBengal Wrote: or how much most athletes/teams care in general.

I keep seeing people talking about discipline, character, fire, passion, etc. and I just dont think that stuff resonates with a lot of the athletes out there as much as it does with the fans.

Fans are emotionally invested in their teams. They look at the team as a representation of their city and themselves. Most of the athletes in pro sports never grew up cheering or rooting for the team they are currently on and dont share that passion that the fans have.

Sure, athletes are competitive and they want to win but I just dont think they share in that same passion about their team that the fans share. They try their hardest, get their check, and if they win...great, if they lose...they move on with their lives.

A friend of mine does some work for the Bengals and travels with them for most of their games. I asked him what it was like after the Dallas loss, how the mood was on the plane ride home after they got their butts kicked. He responded "just another game".

Obviously players would rather win games than lose games, but I dont think they lose too much sleep over it.

I had to dig this up. Why? Because there are a lot of players on this team that don't seem to care one bit that they are losing. The defensive unit seems to be especially guilty of this. I saw far too many smiles and laughs from our players on the defensive side of the ball today. This team needs a full overhaul starting with Lewis and zampese. Oh and I have defended nugent in the past, but never again, he should be cleaning his locker out tomorrow.

Anyways my main point is that the majority of players on this team simply do not care. Mark my words:the Cincinnati Bengals will not win another game This season. And this is not an overreaction, this is a reality.


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RE: I think a lot of you over estimate and over value just how much the Bengals care - The Real Deal - 11-27-2016, 06:41 PM

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