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Fixing the Public Schools k-12
I'm using a numbering system so that we don't have to keep quoting the whole thing, just punch in the number you are responding to (or you can quote and remove the others your choice).

To recap everything so far:

Good Ideas:
1. All Teachers should be paid at the same rate per tenure no matter what they teach.

2. All schools need to have the ability to use interactive teleconferencing to help expand electives so that kids can have more options to learn what they want to learn. Also helps the schools by not having to hire a teacher for 1-2 classes for a few students. Could also be used for advanced students, for example, a high aptitude math student could now tap into a higher math level without leaving the school. This would really be great for kids from the poorer or more rural areas where it’s not easily accessible due to lack of money or high travel times.

3. Culture needs to be changed, we need to emphasize education starting at an early level.

4. Starting around the 5th grade, kids need to start planning for a career, once 7th grade starts, they will be doing courses that pertain to their choices. Later on, if possible, send them to a vocational school to learn their trade and get certified and make sure that their specialized courses count as college credits to give them a boost there.

5. Better Education/Training from post-secondary programs for Teachers.

6. Require all teachers to be mentors for their first 3 years before giving them their own class.

7. Change tenure so that teachers who fall below an evaluation threshold can have their tenure suspended, making it easier to fine poorly performing teachers.

8. Move kids with disabilities into the General Classrooms vs excluding them by putting them in special classes.

9. No Penalties for teachers that fail kids (Pay should not be based on good or bad student performance).

10 Voucher system is not the solution, just a possible band-aid.

Needs expanding on:
11. Taxes for schools should come from a sales tax and not from property taxes and distributed evenly (not all properties in school districts are even, so a state sales tax corrects this). Expanding on this, should we increase the sales tax to include paying for emergency services salaries (Police, Firemen, Emergency crews) and drop property taxes altogether?
Figure out a way to eliminate parents from the learning equation (parents are always welcome to be involved, but not all parents show much of an interest in their kids schools and these are the ones we need to focus on boosting).

12. Even with pay boosts and/or loan forgiveness, we are still struggling to get teachers into the inner city schools. What other incentives can we offer?

13. We all seem to agree that some more mandatory classes should be required such as
Finance (balancing checkbook/savings etc)
Basic Cooking (learn how to make more than roman noodles)
Other possibilities: Auto Basic Maintenance, Introduction to Guns? Any other suggestions?

14. Increase the school day by one hour to help all students get homework completed and especially to help those that have no help at home?

15. Standardized testing should not be mandated by Federal Government, what kind of assessment should we use?

16. How can we make sure that Technology upgrades/updates are being done correctly? I get frustrated when I see school districts claim they lost 2.5 million due to a poor technology upgrade. We need to make sure that all schools are using the same software to make it easier for the teleconferencing and students as well. Should we work out a deal with a company such as Microsoft that we get a huge discount for using their software suite? (I know we probably already have something similar, but it could be renegotiated if we make it the standard for all schools?)

17. We need a way for teachers to teach other teachers when a particular method works well with the students. Maybe use the teleconferencing to record/monitor said teacher and share those videos with the other teachers?
18. Code of conduct policy, the teachers and students both need to follow a set of rules that each understands. Of course exceptions will need to be accounted for.

Still lost on me:
19. Why are so many people against Common Core if it’s purpose is to get kids from all across the US on roughly the same level of education by grade?

20. Xxlt brought up a point that I had forgotten about. Cops. I would prefer that each school have a cop (my opinion) that monitors the entrance. Xxlt thinks cops should be on the outside patrolling rather than on the inside. Once in High School they can still monitor before and after school, but during school maybe teach kids about guns and gun safety? Thoughts?

If I missed something let me know.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fixing the Public Schools k-12 - Au165 - 11-29-2016, 01:58 PM
RE: Fixing the Public Schools k-12 - Au165 - 11-30-2016, 12:52 PM
RE: Fixing the Public Schools k-12 - Au165 - 11-29-2016, 04:03 PM
RE: Fixing the Public Schools k-12 - xxlt - 12-01-2016, 11:41 AM
RE: Fixing the Public Schools k-12 - xxlt - 12-01-2016, 11:37 AM
RE: Fixing the Public Schools k-12 - Mike M (the other one) - 12-01-2016, 03:02 PM
RE: Fixing the Public Schools k-12 - Au165 - 12-02-2016, 09:51 AM
RE: Fixing the Public Schools k-12 - Au165 - 12-02-2016, 11:29 AM

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