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(12-18-2016, 06:53 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: You know the old saying you can't prove a negative?  Why don't you link me studies that you think prove climate change, and I will critique them. 

And, hopefully, you understand what you're linking and not just copy-pasta or why even engage you?

By the way, don't even waste our time with anything less than 95% R-sq (and if you don't understand why, google it)....because I will summarily reject that study with that very one sentence.  And to make it simple: Less than 95% R-sq = nothing (and most likley garbage) and less, or no R-sq at all = something even less.

So, now, please...regale me with studies that support your view. I will wait.

Have you ever heard of Andre Wakefield?  He is the physician who erroneously claimed there is a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

His research has been proven to be false, e.g. they proved a negative.  Since you don't have a degree in science, I guess your science liberal arts requirement as  non-science major was part of the "worthless waste" of an eduction you received.

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RE: THE ALT-RIGHT HAILS ITS VICTORIOUS GOD-EMPEROR - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 12-19-2016, 07:09 PM

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