Poll: Will you willingly watch Texans game on Xmas Eve?
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You plan on watching the Xmas Eve night game?
I want to watch, but it is just hard to get into Bengals football lately. It will be on the TV of course, but not sure how much I will pay attention. I expect the Bengals to get embarrased as usual. Same old management, same old coaching and same old problems that have been going on for years and years. And now eliminated from the playoffs. I have watched practically every play of every game for years and have Sunday Ticket.

I guess I am really just starting to feel bored with the Bengals. Zero change and the same problems. I can only stay interested and hopeful in a sub par product for so long; especially after suffering through the 90's! Something really big and fresh needs to happen.

I watch other games and see such a huge difference in coaching, accountability and FO competence that it just makes me sad instead of happy to watch well managed teams.

I am just very bored and frustrated with the Bengals right now.

As I have said before, the NFL is the only sport I watch/follow with any kind of interest or passion. So now, for me, Bengals football is over for almost a year. Hard to get very excited about a horrifically long offseasons and just as short of a season. MLB, NBA, NHL fans all see more games in three weeks then I see in an entire year being an NFL fan. Bla bla bla! I'm just whining. lol.

Sorry for rambling. Just sad the Bengals are done for the year and at this point nothing new or fresh on the horizon. Just more stale FO and ML. I really have zero hope for next year if major changes are not made. Cant even see some of the young guys cause ML won't play them!!

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RE: You plan on watching the Xmas Eve night game? - Mickeypoo - 12-20-2016, 11:20 AM

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