Poll: Will you willingly watch Texans game on Xmas Eve?
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You plan on watching the Xmas Eve night game?
Keep in mind almost nobody is going to be open Saturday Night or Sunday. ...Christmas Eve and Christmas and they want to have Christmas also......So home or at family or friends is good.....but I just found out game only on NFL Network, ....and most every place will be closed, not your average Saturday Night....Oh, there might be a few bars or something open. Now if they have NFL Network another story....This is NOT just Saturday Night, It is Christmas Eve. ...Now the next week, New Years Eve a whole different story....but look for many, many Saturday Night places to be CLOSED due to Christmas Eve. Oh, Churches will be having services. ....I will try to find it on internet site I mentioned......I look for many sports bars to be closed. Yes it's Saturday, but it is Christmas Eve.
1968 Bengal Fan

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RE: You plan on watching the Xmas Eve night game? - kevin - 12-20-2016, 10:07 PM

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