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The website Art Voice asked people what they wanted in 2017
Well this is shocking.

Seems Mister un-PC there still got 33% of the vote for Governor and made the school board AFTER revelations of his "non-racist" free speech.

Quote:This is just another day at the office for Paladino, who told The New York Observer in August that " there is no doubt [President Obama] is a Muslim, he is not a Christian," and said later in the month that Khizr Khan "doesn't deserve the title" of Gold Star parent. And, of course, Paladino is the guy who, during his 2020 campaign for governor, was revealed as a serial forwarder of pornographic and racist emails, including such gems as this:

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[Image: 20100409-kg88cd4jrywqhwxddwgtu184rt.jpg]

as well as a video of dancing monkeys captioned "Obama Inauguration Rehearsal."

After that revelation, Paladino still won thirteen New York counties and more than 1.5 million votes -- 33.5% of the total vote. He was elected to the Buffalo school board this year.

And he's an occasional commenter on Fox -- in fact, he is sometimes a moral scold. Here he is on Fox denouncing Hillary Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri and another Clinton ally for remarks made about high-profile right-wing Catholic converts in emails published by Wikileaks:

Short of appearing in public wearing full Klan regalia or a swastika armband, there's literally nothing a conservative can say or do that will lead to banishment from the right-wing pundit class. Paladino will remain in good standing on the right after the latest remarks. There are no consequences. Maybe Paladino will be forced to step down from the school board (though you'll notice that his Maine doppelganger, Paul Le Page, who actually got himself elected governor, is still in office after many offensive words and deeds). And maybe Paladino will lose again if he runs for governor in 2018, as he's threatening to do. But he'll always have a home on Fox.
[Image: giphy.gif]
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RE: The website Art Voice asked people what they wanted in 2017 - GMDino - 12-24-2016, 01:34 PM

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