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The 3 Great Ironies of Wealth Inequality
I've engaged in a ton of discussions about this topic, and it'll probably be discussed more as time goes on. Throughout them all, I've noticed a few ironies that i'd like to discuss with this community. This is me condensing it a bit and I state my many grievances. Address all of them or just one. IDC, i'm not looking for this discussion to go any kind of direction. Just wherever anyone wants.

Most of the time I see this discussed anywhere, people like to cite these Oxfam studies: Why? I assume it's because they're stupid or are pursuing an agenda. Policies that address wealth inequality will be DOMESTIC, not INTERNATIONAL. Inequality on a global scale is irrelevant unless you're advocating for some Alex Jones NWO kind of policy, which isn't very likely.

What's amusing to me is how many ignorant first-worlders truly believe that their Walmart job fits into that international bottom 50%. Compared to the rest of the world, that Wal-Mart worker is in the top percentage that owns 87% of the world's shit. #FirstWorldProbelms.

More amusement stems from people that believe that these unbelievably wealthy people got their wealth via confiscating it from that bottom 50%.

A third and final amusement comes from those 62 people wailing that they're too wealthy and that something must be done - nothing voluntary on their part to give that wealth up, of course, but something, and most likely a cost that'll fall squarely onto the upper middle class via increases in W2 o employment taxes rather than changes to property, wealth, or capital taxation--you know, some of the main drivers of wealth inequality.

Welath inequality, as a political topic, is mostly politictians, with the really wealthy and really poor as head cheerleader, shitting on the middle-man at every single opportunity. Every. Single. One.

People are pretty gullible around these sorts of things.

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The 3 Great Ironies of Wealth Inequality - THE Bigzoman - 12-28-2016, 02:14 AM

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