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Fake News to cause the end of the world ?
(12-29-2016, 02:28 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Step 1: Falsification of global warming data.

Step 1: Main Stream Propaganda Outlets (Fake News) repeatedly being caught reporting fake news and ridiculously biased reporting and polling in support of HRC, then turn around and list honest truth telling (Example: Ron Paul) news on lists of fake news/Russian propaganda sights that they later admitted was not credible/fake. Then calling for the attacking/gov controls of fake news/propaganda sights that they determine to be fake. And also the passing of gov laws to allow propaganda against US citizens by our own gov.(Thanks for that Obama)

Step 1: The Russians did it ? Did what ? Everything? No HRC is a lyi$g evil bit$h and nobody believes anything she says.

Step 1: Allowing unvetted immigrants in by Obama which will be the direct cause of many deaths in this country. It is already starting to show its beginning stages.(Look at Germany) (Obama's immigration policy will be the main culprit in these deaths) . What will be the response for these deaths? The people who will have caused it, will call for gun controls. Even though the guns aren't the cause of it, their policies are the cause.

Step 1: Terrorism and the support of ? True or not ?   NSA/Poilce state/data gathering on US citizens/Eavsdroping on US citizens. (Bush)

Step 1: etc,etc...

There is a history of Gov using false flags and propaganda to achieve policy change objectives. (That is Step 1) At this point in history they are the Globalist's objectives for policy change.

When I think manipulation of their own citizens and the spoon feeding of information, I think of the Nazi. That is the Nazi reference.  Soros who is an admitted Nazi collaborator has his finger prints on alot of the craziness going on in the world right now, so I suppose that is why the Nazi come to mind also.

Bush/Clinton/Obama are on the same team. So I agree about Bush.

And as far as labeling toward me, I don't know what your talking about.

Bingo !


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RE: Fake News to cause the end of the world ? - Rotobeast - 12-29-2016, 03:27 PM

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