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Fake News to cause the end of the world ?
(12-29-2016, 02:28 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Step 1: Falsification of global warming data.

"Falsification", eh? it "forging" or something, falsification seems like such a wrongly used word here. And yeah, sure. You have to admire the efforts, though. Obamas administration melting all those glaciers at night (what patience, and no one ever saw them with the blow driers), running parks of mushroom heaters so the alleged warming goes on, single-handedly raising the sea level so the false narrative can be continued... all faked and forged. We all know those pacific islands really only sink because the polynesians are so awfully fat.
- Well normally I would say whoever claims lie and hoax and manipulation needs some kind of evidence or at least some kind of logic argument... but not you, you're smarter than that and everybody says so.

(12-29-2016, 02:28 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Step 1: Main Stream Propaganda Outlets (Fake News) repeatedly being caught reporting fake news and ridiculously biased reporting and polling in support of HRC, then turn around and list honest truth telling (Example: Ron Paul) news on lists of fake news/Russian propaganda sights that they later admitted was not credible/fake. Then calling for the attacking/gov controls of fake news/propaganda sights that they determine to be fake. And also the passing of gov laws to allow propaganda against US citizens by our own gov.(Thanks for that Obama)

HRC lost. What a lousy conspiracy that was.
The rest is a bit too paranoid. Russian propaganda sights? I saw those. I also saw quite a lot of sites with actual fake news. Not biased news or exaggerated news, but really fake news, the latest being German citizens are deported so refugees can take their apartments. So I do not follow you here. You try to completely turn "fake news" around, that is neither logical nor is it true. Leave the term to forged news stories, or expand the term and call Fox news (besides other biased sites and networks) fake news too or shut up, that's my suggestion.

(12-29-2016, 02:28 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Step 1: The Russians did it ? Did what ? Everything?

Yes sure, they did everything. That is the claim.
But let's start with they are behind the hacking of the Democratic party. That they did. Not only HRC says so, but also CIA and FBI say so, the latter not really being suspicious of helping Hillary (unless dragging out some possible smoking gun emails from Weiner's computer a few days before the election was some kind of help).
Amazing how you do not even believe the FBI and the CIA, your own American institutions. What amazing amount of mistrust. You either don't believe them or you simply do not care about Russia at long as the Democratic party is their target.
Either way. You are a partisan here. Who cares about propaganda attacks as long as the target is not my kind of America.
Which in conclusion leads to the evaluation: You, sir, are not a patriot. (Not that I mind, you just aren't.)

(12-29-2016, 02:28 PM)tigerseye Wrote: No HRC is a lyi$g evil bit$h and nobody believes anything she says.

Spoken like a truly sophisticated mind.
But sure... NOBODY believes ANYTHING. And every single soul on earth knows that Rosie O'Donnell deserved it too. Everyone thinks so, sure.

(12-29-2016, 02:28 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Step 1: Allowing unvetted immigrants in by Obama which will be the direct cause of many deaths in this country. It is already starting to show its beginning stages.(Look at Germany) (Obama's immigration policy will be the main culprit in these deaths) . What will be the response for these deaths? The people who will have caused it, will call for gun controls. Even though the guns aren't the cause of it, their policies are the cause.

Shocked  Shocked  
--- so let me get that straight. You claim that Obama willingly let in unvetted immigrants, knowing exactly that this would directly lead to American deaths, which this evil mind then would use as an excuse to take away your guns. Obama - aids terror so he could disarm you.

Of all the wacky conspiracy theories I ever heard, this might be the wackiest one ever. Ever! Congratulations for that.

(12-29-2016, 02:28 PM)tigerseye Wrote: Step 1: Terrorism and the support of ? True or not ?   NSA/Poilce state/data gathering on US citizens/Eavsdroping on US citizens. (Bush)

Right. Look, we agree on something.

(12-29-2016, 02:28 PM)tigerseye Wrote: There is a history of Gov using false flags and propaganda to achieve policy change objectives. (That is Step 1) At this point in history they are the Globalist's objectives for policy change.

When I think manipulation of their own citizens and the spoon feeding of information, I think of the Nazi. That is the Nazi reference.  Soros who is an admitted Nazi collaborator has his finger prints on alot of the craziness going on in the world right now, so I suppose that is why the Nazi come to mind also.

Bush/Clinton/Obama are on the same team. So I agree about Bush.

But look, you can freely say so without being sent to concentration camps.
Hey look, there are still blacks and Jews around.
Hey look, they didn't start a race war yet.
Hey look, they did not kill 6 billion "racially inferior" people.

Calling someone a Nazi for attempts of manipulation... really is a sign of painfully lacking any historic perspective. It's like saying wow that Nazi government sure built great highways.
And Soros - you do know he is Jewish, right? You do know he actually had to hide from the Nazis in Hungary? Still call him a Nazi collaborator? On what grounds? What did the young Jewish child Soros do back then in Hungary, I dare you backing that up here.

(12-29-2016, 02:28 PM)tigerseye Wrote: And as far as labeling toward me, I don't know what your talking about.

Cry Cry That evil bit$h calls me sexist Cry Cry
Cry Cry Those Nazis called me racist Cry Cry
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Fake News to cause the end of the world ? - hollodero - 12-30-2016, 10:14 AM

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