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Obamaphone = waste, fraud, and abuse
I know the conservative logic very well, and it seems to me that they look down upon poor people. Even the poor ones. The one good quality though, is conservatives want to motivate poor people into helping themselves. I get it. I am not saying that it is intentional, but the way conservatives talk about poor people is very assumptious (I might have made that word up, lol!) and condescending. Every poor person on welfare, it's their fault? Everyone with a food stamp card and an iPhone should not be getting food stamps. My wife has to have an iPhone for her job. Lots of people have parents that pay for their phones if they are poor. Not every poor person with a computer or phone has had to pay for it. Shit, I have a brand new 52inch flat screen tv. It was given to me from my brother. Now, we are not poor (not rich by any means or even comfortable), and I can afford one. But that is not my point. I guess poor people should just have bread and water and live in a tent until they can get out of the poorhouse. :snark:

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RE: Obamaphone = waste, fraud, and abuse - jmccracky - 07-24-2015, 05:59 PM

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