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Name something you hate about liberals...and conservatives.....
(07-24-2015, 07:28 PM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: Would you consider yourself a Liberal Libertarian, or a Conservative Libertarian? Most Libertarians I know personally, seem to have views from both sides. For example, one of my buddies is a staunch conservative when it comes to government. But is more liberal than I am with social issues. Is this the case with most libertarians? Or the opposite?

You have several kinds of libertarians. 
You have the really stuck up kind who don't accept anything but those loyal to the libertarian doctrine (they think they are better than repubs or dems but arent) and you have those who got fed up with their original party affiliation and moved to libertarianism.

I guess personally, I'd be more conservative libertarian. I'm morally opposed to abortion but don't support outlawing it. I don't do drugs (anymore) but I support legalization. 
I'm for gay marriage. 

I'm more conservative on things like immigration, social programs and war* 

*I supported going after bin Laden, still do. But going into Iraq....not so much. 

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RE: Name something you hate about liberals...and conservatives..... - RoyleRedlegs - 07-24-2015, 07:36 PM

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